Thursday, October 20, 2011

$30 a day for 30 days

Day 1....
Spilt chicken cost $8 and with 2L of milk  spent $10 which left  about $4 for white leggings.....problem!
V couldn't find white leggings so compromised on white boy short knickers to wear for dance exam....more problems...
They only had these knickers in a 3 pack ( 2 white and 1 black) for $10!  So as I had Day 2's money I went over budget by $6!!!
Day 2.....
M is sick with gasto so supermarket shopping for the day included anti-bacterial hand wash, one pump pack and one refill, crackers, lemonade , and 2 buckets. total cost $14. 

Dinner tonight will be hamburgers.  Only needed to buy bread buns for $4. Newsagent  again was $5...when will these cook books end!

As I was heading home, the gas gauge went to empty....will have to wait until tomorrow to fill up!

Regards, Karen

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